關鍵字:ARM 筆記本電腦
大眾對英特爾處理器架構的認知普遍是高性能;而 ARM 則代表著更好的功耗,多年來,二者分別在PC和移動電話市場居主導地位。現在,這兩家公司開始向對手擅長的領域發起挑戰。英特爾的業務模式包含了提供芯片,以及主導芯片架構的定義;ARM則是授權處理器核心給芯片廠商,這些芯片商與OEM廠商密切合作。
該報導稱ARM希望能在2014或2015年拿下10%-20%的筆電市場,但ARM也預估,英特爾在智能手機僅能拿下小量市占率,大約只有5%~10%左右。該報導援引 East 的談話指出:“對英特爾來說,這家公司已經很難像在PC市場那樣占據統治地位,但它仍將是非常值得信任的廠商。”
Report: ARM aims to take 20% of notebook PC market
Peter Clarke
LONDON – Warren East, CEO of processor IP licensor ARM Holdings plc, has said he expects companies making processors based on the ARM cores will take between 10 and 20 percent of the notebook PC market in 2014 or 2015, according to a Dow Jones report. That would be much higher penetration than Intel would make into the smartphone market, the report also quoted East saying.
Processor architectures from Intel, known for performance, and from ARM, known for power efficiency, have dominated in PCs and mobile phones, respectively, for many years. Now the two companies are starting to make inroads into the other's traditional home turf. While Intel supplies chips and does much to define system architecture, ARM licenses the processor core to chip making partners and leaves them to work with OEMs.
While ARM aspires to get between 10 and 20 percent of the notebook PC market by 2014 or 2015 ARM expects Intel will have some success in smartphone but only achieve about 5 to 10 percent penetration of the smartphone market, the report said. "It's going to be quite hard for Intel to be much more than just one of several players. But they'll be a perfectly credible player," the report quoted East as saying.
In the PC market East argued that ARM-based processors will be lower cost than those coming from Intel. ARM processor suppliers are used to receiving about $20 for a chip going into a smartphone. Even if they increased the price to about $25 as they tailor their chips' features to address PCs, this would provide stiff competition to Intel, which has commanded prices of $80 to $200 for its processor chips, the reported quoted East as saying.